
Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles

Annala, S., Lukkarinen, J., Primmer, E. Honkapuro, S., Ollikka, K., Sunila, K. & Ahonen, T. 2018. Regulation as an enabler of demand response in electricity markets and power systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 195, pp. 1139-1148. Available:

Apajalahti, E-L., Temmes, A. & Lempiälä, T. 2017. Incumbent organisations shaping emerging technological fields: cases of solar photovoltaic and electric vehicle charging. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Journal,  pp. 1-14. Available:

Berg A., Lukkarinen J. & Ollikka K. 2020. ’Sticky’ Policies – Three Country Cases on Long-Term Commitment and Rooting of RE Policy Goals, Energies, 13(6). Available: 

Bergman, J., Knutas, A., Luukka, P., Jantunen, A., Tarkiainen, A., Karlik, A. & Platonov, V. 2016. Strategic interpretation on sustainability issues – eliciting cognitive maps of boards of directors, Corporate Governance. Available:

Happonen J., Heiskanen E., Matschoss K. & Mikkonen I. 2020. Epäonnistumisista oppiminen energiamurroksen tukena: analyysi empiirisestä interventiosta, Alue ja Ympäristö 49(2), Saatavissa:

Hasan A. & Airaksinen M. 2016. The Role of Energy in Buildings in Smart Cities. International Journal of Environment and Sustainability 5(2). Available:

Heiskanen, E. & Matschoss, K. 2016. Millä kriteereillä paikallisia ilmastokokeiluja arvioidaan? Kahden vähähiilisen kokeilun case-tutkimus. Alue ja ympäristö 2/2016, pp. 45-58.

Heiskanen, E., Kivimaa, P. & Lovio, R. 2019. Promoting sustainable energy: Does institutional entrepreneurship help? Energy Research and Social Science 50, pp. 179-190. Available:

Heiskanen, E. & Matschoss, K. 2016. Paikallisten ilmastokokeilujen arvioimisen haasteet: Oppiminen kahdessa vähähiilisessä kokeilussa. Alue ja ympäristö, 2/2016. Saatavissa:

Heiskanen, E. & Matschoss, K. 2016. Understanding the uneven diffusion of building-scale renewable energy systems: A review of household, local and country level factors in diverse European countriesRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75, pp. 580-591. Available: 

Heiskanen, E., Apajalahti, E. L., Matschoss, K., & Lovio, R. 2018. Incumbent energy companies navigating the energy transitions: Strategic action or bricolage? Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 28, pp. 57-69. Available:

Heiskanen, E., Hyvönen, K., Laakso, S., Laitila, P., Matschoss, K. & Mikkonen, I. 2017. Adoption and use of low-carbon technologies: lessons from 100 Finnish pilots, field experiments and demonstrations. Sustainability 9(5), 847. Available:

Heiskanen, E., Jalas, M., Juntunen, J.K. & Nissilä, H. 2017. Small streams, diverse sources: Who invests in renewable energy in Finland during the financial downturn? Energy Policy 106, pp. 191-200. Available:

Heiskanen, E., Nissilä, H. & Tainio, P. 2017. Promoting residential renewable energy via peer-to-peer learning. Applied Environmental Education and Communication 16:2, pp. 105-116. Available:

Hyysalo, S., Lukkarinen, J., Kivimaa, P., Lovio, R., Temmes, A., Hildén, M., … & Peljo, J. 2019. Developing policy pathways: Redesigning transition arenas for mid-range planningSustainability 11(3), 603. Available: https://doi:10.3390/su11030603

Hyysalo S., Johnson M. & Juntunen J. 2017. The Diffusion of Consumer Innovation in Sustainable Energy Technologies. Journal of Cleaner Production 162, pp. S70-S82. Available:

Hyysalo, S. Juntunen, J.K, Martiskainen, M. 2018. Energy Internet forums as acceleration phase transition intermediaries. Research Policy 47(5), pp. 872-885. Available:

Hyysalo, S., Marttila, T., Perikangas, S., & Auvinen, K. 2019. Codesign for transitions governance: A mid-range pathway creation toolset for accelerating sociotechnical change. Design Studies 63, pp. 181-203. Available:

Hyysalo, S., Marttila, T., Perikangas, S., and Auvinen, K. 2019. Intermediate codesigning in transitions governance: Catalysing and channeling participant action. The Design Journal, pp. 873-894. Available:

Jalas, M., Hyysalo, S., Heiskanen, E., Lovio, R., Nissinen, A., Mattinen, M., … & Nissilä, H. 2017. Everyday experimentation in energy transition: A practice-theoretical view. Journal of Cleaner Production 169, pp. 77-84. Available:

Jalas, M., Rask, M., Marttila, T. & Ahonen, T. 2019 Strategic Research as a Mode of Academic Engagement:Assembling Smart Energy Futures for Finland. Science & Technology Studies 32(3). Available:

Johnstone, P. & Kivimaa, P. 2017. Multiple dimensions of disruption, energy transitions and industrial policy. Energy Research & Social Science 37, pp. 211-215. Available:

Johnstone, P., Rogge, K., Kivimaa, P., Fratini, C., Primmer, E., Stirling, A. 2019. Waves of disruption in clean energy transitions: Sociotechnical dimensions of system disruption in Germany and the United KingdomEnergy Research and Social Science (39). Available:

Johnstone, P., Rogge, K., Kivimaa, P., Fratini, C.F., Primmer, E. 2021. Exploring the re-emergence of industrial policy: Perceptions regarding low-carbon energy transitions in Germany, the United Kingdom and Denmark. Energy Research and Social Science, 74: 101889. Available:

Johnstone, P., Stirling, A. & Sovacool, B. 2017. Policy mixes for incumbency: Exploring the destructive recreation ofrenewable energy, shale gas ‘fracking,’ and nuclear power in the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science 33, pp.147-162. Available:

Juntunen, J. K., & Martiskainen, M. 2021. Improving understanding of energy autonomy: A systematic review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141, Available: 

Kallio, L., Heiskanen, E., Apajalahti, E. L., & Matschoss, K. 2020. Farm power: How a new business model impacts the energy transition in Finland. Energy Research and Social Science 65. Available:

Kangas H-L., Ruggiero S., Annala S. & Ohrling T. 2021.Would turkeys vote for Christmas? New entrant strategies and coopetitive tensions in the emerging demand response industry. Energy Research and Social Science 76. Available: 

Karjalainen, S. & Ahvenniemi, H. 2018. Pleasure is the profit – The adoption of solar PV systems by households in FinlandRenewable Energy 133, pp. 44-52. Available:

Kivimaa P., Laakso S., Lonkila A & Kaljonen M. 2021: Moving beyond disruptive innovation a review of disruption in sustainability transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 38: 110-126, 

Kivimaa P., Primmer E. & Lukkarinen J. 2020. Intermediating policy for transitions towards net-zero energy buildings. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 36, pp. 418-432. Available:

Kivimaa, P., Hildén, M. Huitema, D., Jordan, A. & Newig, J. 2017. Experiments in climate governance – a systematic review of research on energy and built environment transitions. Journal of Cleaner Production 169, pp.17-29. Available:

Kivimaa, P., Kangas, H-L. & Lazarevic, C. 2017. Client-oriented evaluation of ‘creative destruction’ in policy mixes: Finnish policies on building energy efficiency transition. Energy Research & Social Science 33, pp. 115-127. Available:

Kivimaa, P., Hyysalo, S., Boon, W., Klerkx, L., Martiskainen, M., & Schot, J. 2019. Passing the baton: How intermediaries advance sustainability transitions in different phases. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 31, pp. 110-125. Available:

Korjonen-Kuusipuro K., Hujala, M., Pätäri, S., Bergman, J-P. & Olkkonen, L. 2017. The emergence and diffusion of grassroots energy innovations: Building an interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 140(3), pp. 1156-1164. Available:

Kokoulina, L., Ermolaeva, L., Patala, S, Ritala, P. 2017. Championing processes and the emergence of industrial symbiosis. Regional Studies 53, pp. 528-539.

Köhler, J., Geels F., Kern, F., Onsongo, E. & Wieczorek A. 2017. A research agenda for the Sustainability Transitions Research Network. Sustainability Transitions Research Network. Available: 

Laitinen A., Lindholm O., Reda F., Hasan A. & Hedman Å 2021. A techno-economic analysis of an optimal self-sufficient district. Energy Conversion and Management 236, 114041. Available:

Laitinen A., Reda F., Hasan A. 2019. District-level energy matching tool for carbon-free concepts. 16th IBPSA International Conference and Exhibition, Building Simulation 2019. Available:

Lazarevic, D., Kivimaa, P., Lukkarinen, J., & Kangas, H.-L. 2019. Understanding integrated-solution innovations in sustainability transitions: Reconfigurative building-energy services in Finland. Energy Research and Social Science56. Available:

Lauttamäki, V. & Hyysalo, S. 2019. Empirical application of the multi-level perspective: Tracing the history of ground-source heat pumps in Finland. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, 15(1). Available

Lempiälä, T., Apajalahti, E-L., Haukkala T., Lovio R. 2019. Socio-cultural framing during the emergence of a technological field: Creating cultural resonance for solar technology. Research Policy 48(9). Available:

Matschoss K. & Repo P. 2020. Forward-looking network analysis of ongoing sustainability transitions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161. Available: 

Matschoss K., Repo P. & Lukkarinen J. 2020. Network analysis of energy transition arena experiments. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, pp. 103-115. Available:

Matschoss, K. & Heiskanen, E. 2017. Making it experimental in several ways: The work of intermediaries in raising the ambition level in local climate initiatives. Journal of Cleaner Production 169, pp.85-93. Available:

Matschoss, K. & Repo, P. 2018. Governance experiments in climate action: Empirical findings from the 28 European Union countries. Environmental Politics 27, p. 598-620. Available:

Matschoss, K., Repo P. & Timonen P. 2019. Embedding European citizen visions in sustainability transition: Comparative analysis across 30 European countries. Futures 112, 102437. Available:

Matschoss, K., Repo, P. & Kaarakainen, M. 2016. Hallintokokeilut ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemisessä – Analyysi kokeilujen kriittisistä tekijöistä ja alueellisista ulottuvuuksistaAlue ja ympäristö, 2/2016.

Matschoss, K. & Heiskanen, E. 2018. Innovation Intermediary Challenging the Energy Incumbent: Enactment of Local Socio-Technical Transition Pathways by Destabilisation of Regime Rules. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, pp. 1455-1469. Available:

Mok, L., & Hyysalo, S. 2018. Design for Sustainable Transition through Value Sensitive Design. Design Studies, 54, pp. 162-183. Available:

Murto,P.,  Juntunen, J.,  Jalas, M. & Hyysalo, S. 2019.Devices and strategies: An analysis of managing complexity in energy retrofit projects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 114. Available:

Murto,P.,  Juntunen, J.,  Jalas, M. & Hyysalo, S. 2019. The difficult process of adopting a comprehensive energy retrofit in housing companies: Barriers posed by nascent markets and complicated calculability. Energy Policy, 132, pp. 955-964. Available:

Murto,P., Hyysalo, S.,  Juntunen, J., & Jalas, M. 2020. Capturing the micro-level of intermediation in transitions: comparing ethnographic and interview methods. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 36, pp. 406-417. Available:

Neij, L., Heiskanen, E., & Strupeit, L. 2017. The deployment of new energy technologies and the need for local learning. Energy Policy 101, pp. 274-283. Available:

Patala, S., Juntunen, J.K., Lundan, S. & Ritvala, T. 2021. Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition: A configurational study of the drivers of FDI in renewables. Journal of International Business Studies.

Patala, S., Korpivaara, I., Kuitunen, A., Jalkala, A. Soppe, B. 2017. Legitimacy under institutional change: How incumbents appropriate clean rhetoric for dirty technologies. Organization Studies 40(3), pp. 395-419. Available:

Peixoto, I. & Temmes A. 2019. Market organizing in the European Union’s biofuels market: Organizing for favouring, acceptability, and future preferences. Journal of Cleaner Production 236, pp. 1-9. Available:

Reichardt K., Negro S., Rogge K. & Hekkert M. 2016. Analyzing interdependencies between policy mixes and technological innovation systems: The case of offshore wind in Germany. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 106, pp. 11-21. Available:

Reda, F. & Zarrin, F. 2019. Northern European nearly zero energy building concepts for apartment buildings using integrated solar technologies and dynamic occupancy profile: Focus on Finland and other Northern European countries. Applied Energy 237, pp. 598-617. Available: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.029

Rogge, K. & Johnstone, P. 2017. Exploring the role of phase-out policies for low-carbon energy transitions: The case of the German Energiewende. Energy Research & Social Science 33, pp. 128-137.Available:

Ruggiero, S., Kangas, H.-., Annala, S., Lazarevic, D., 2021. Business model innovation in demand response firms: Beyond the niche-regime dichotomy. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 39, 1-17. Available:

Saikku, L., Tainio, P., Hildén, M., Antikainen, R., Leskinen, P. & Koskela, S. 2016. Diffusion of solar electricity in the network of private actors as a strategic experiment to mitigate climate change. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142(4), pp. 2730-2740. Available:

Schoenefeld, J. J., Hildén, M. & Jordan, A. J. 2016. The challenges of monitoring national climate policy: learning lessons from the EU. Climate Policy 18(1), pp. 118-128. Available:

Schönefeld, J., Schulze, K., Hildén, M., Jordan, A. 2019. Policy Monitoring in the EU: the Impact of Institutions, Implementation, and Quality. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60, pp. 719–741. Available: .

Sekki, T., Andelin M., Airaksinen, M. and Saari, A. 2016. Consideration of energy consumption, energy costs, and space occupancy in Finnish daycare centres and school buildings. Energy and Buildings 129, pp. 199-206. Available:

Sillman, J., Uusitalo, V., Ruuskanen, V. et al. 2020. A life cycle environmental sustainability analysis of microbial protein production via power-to-food approaches. International Journal of Life Cycle Assess 25, 2190–2203. Available:

Silvast, A., Williams, R., Hyysalo, S., Rommetveit, K. & Raab, C. 2018. Who ‘Uses’ Smart Grids? The Evolving Nature of User Representations in Layered Infrastructures. Sustainability 10 (10), 3738. Available:

Simola, A., Kosonen, A., Ahonen, T., Ahola, J., Korhonen, M. & Hannula, T. 2018. Optimal dimensioning of a solar PV plant with measured electrical load curves in FinlandSolar Energy 170,pp. 113-123. Available:

Spodniak P., Ollikka K., Honkapuro S. 2020. The impact of wind power and electricity demand on the relevance of different short-term electricity markets: The Nordic case. Available:

Söyrinki, S., Heiskanen, E., & Matschoss, K. 2018. Piloting Demand Response in Retailing: Lessons Learned in Real-Life Context, Sustainability10(10), Available:

ur Rehman H., Hirvonen J., Jokisalo J., Kosonen R. & Sirén K. 2020. EU Emission Targets of 2050: Costs and CO2Emissions Comparison of Three Different Solar and Heat Pump-Based Community-Level District Heating Systems in Nordic Conditions. Available:

ur Rehman, H., Reda, F., Paiho, S., Hasan, A. 2019. Towards positive energy communities at high latitudesEnergy Conversion and Management 196, pp. 175–195. Available:

Vand B., Ruusu R., Hasan A., Delgado B M. 2021. Optimal Management of Energy Sharing in a Community of Buildings Using a Model Predictive Control. Accepted in Energy Conversion and Management. 

Väisänen, J., Kosonen, A., Ahola, J., Sallinen, T. & Hannula, T. 2019. Optimal sizing ratio of a solar PV inverter for minimizing the levelized cost of electricity in Finnish irradiation conditions. Solar Energy 185, pp. 350-362. Available:

Weiss, O., Bogdanov, D., Salovaara, K., Honkapuro, S. 2017. Market designs for a 100% renewable energy system: Case Isolated power system of Israel EnergyEnergy 119, pp. 266-277. Available:

Wiedenhofer, D., Smetschka, B., Akenji, L., Jalas, M. & Haberl, H. 2018. Household time use, carbon footprints, and urban form: a review of the potential contributions of everyday living to the 1.5 °C climate target. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 30, pp. 7-17. Available:


Ahonen, T. & Ahola, J. 2016. Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Aurinkosähköjärjestelmät. Smart Energy Transition -hanke. Saatavissa:

Ahonen, T. & Honkapuro, S. 2016. Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Kysynnänjoustojärjestelmät. Smart Energy Transition -hanke. Saatavissa: Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Kysynnänjoustojärjestelmät

Airaksinen, M. & Jalas, M. 2016. Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Rakennusten energiatehokkuus. Smart Energy Transition -hanke. Saatavissa: Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Rakennusten energiatehokkuus

Annala, S., Honkapuro, S. & Ollikka, K. 2016. Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Huipputeho ja varavoima. Smart Energy Transition -hanke. Saatavissa:

Ahonen, T. & Dukeov, I. 2016. Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Tuulivoima. Smart Energy Transition -hanke. Saatavissa:

Jalas, M. & Ahonen, T. 2016. Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Lämpöpumput, aurinkolämpö ja lämmön varastointi. Smart Energy Transition -hanke. Saatavissa:

Marttila, T., Jalas. M., Kangas, H-L. & Primmer, E. 2016. Energiamurroksen ennakoidut vaikutukset 2030: Biomassapohjaiset energiaratkaisut. Smart Energy Transition -hanke. Saatavissa:

Books and Book Chapters

Berninger, K., Lovio, R. Temmes, A., Kivimaa, P., Jalas, M., Heiskanen, E. 2017. Suomi seuraaville sukupolville – Taloudellisten murrosten käsikirja. Into Kustannus Oy.

Heiskanen,E. & Matschoss, K. 2019. On what criteria are local sustainability experiments evaluated? In Turnheim, Kivimaa & Berkhout (Eds.) Beyond experiments: Understanding how climate governance innovations become embedded.Cambridge University Press.

Hildén M. & Kivimaa P. 2020. Energy Governance in Finland. In: Knodt M., Kemmerzell J. (eds) Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe. Springer, Cham.

Hyysalo S. 2021. Citizen Activities in Energy Transition. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

Hyysalo S., Juntunen J. User Innovation and peer assistance in small scale renewable energy technologies, In Davidson and Matthias (eds.): Energy and Society Handbook, Oxford University Press.

Kivimaa P. & Temmes A.  Low-carbon transition in Finnish mobility: The clash of experimental transport governance and established practices? In Debbie Hopkins & James Higham (eds.): Low Carbon Mobility Transitions, Goodfellow Publishers.

Turnheim, B., Kivimaa, P. & Berkhout, F. 2019. Understanding how climate governance innovations become embedded. Cambridge University Press.

Theses and Dissertations

Apajalahti, E-L. 2018. Large energy companies in transition – From gatekeepers to bridge builders. Doctoral Dissertation. Aalto University.  Available:

Erkkilä H-K. 2018. Kuluttaja joukkorahoittajana : Sähköautojen yhteiskäyttöpisteiden joukkorahoitus. Pro gradu. Aalto-yliopisto. 

Haukkala T. 2019. The wicked problem of a low carbon energy transition. Structure, agency and framing in the multi-actor process of solar PV deployment in Finland. Doctoral Dissertation. Aalto University. 

Huomo T. 2017. Älykäs sähköverkko – Älykäs kuluttaja? Energiatehokkaiden ratkaisujen kotouttaminen asukkaiden arjessa. Pro gradu. Helsingin yliopisto. 

Kivisaari V. 2016. Indirect impacts of climate change to Finland: impacts to hydropower production in the Nordic electricity markets. Master’s Thesis. University of Helsinki.

Kolehmainen, M. 2019. Energiayhteisöjen toimintamallit ja lainsäädäntö Suomessa. Diplomityö. LUT-yliopisto. Saatavissa:

Lindgren, J. 2016. Renewable energy scenarios for South Karelia – non-industrial energy demands. Master’s Thesis. LUT University. Available:

Nissilä H. 2020. Pursuing legitimacy for solar energy: essays on temporality and collective spaces in nascent fields. Doctoral Dissertation. Aalto University. 

Ohrling, T. 2019. The Emerging Industry of Aggregation: Novel Business Models and Empowerment Strategies for Incentive-based Demand Response in Finland. Master’s Thesis. Aalto University. Available:

Ovaska, J-P. 2017. Emergence of mobility market platforms. Case: Mobility as a service in Finland. Master’s Thesis. Aalto University.

Perflilyeva E. 2017. Yes it can! – State support for the development of renewable energy innovations in Finland. Master’s thesis. Aalto University.

Pakkala, A. 2018. Grocery retailers & renewable energy adoption – a comparative case study on how and why grocery retailers in Finland invest in renewable energy. Aalto University. Master’s Thesis. Available:

Perikangas, S. 2018. Visualizing change – Collaboration tool for transition pathway creation. Aalto University. Master’s Thesis. Available:

Pyhälammi A. 2019. Talent management in a changing technological environment – Human capital in the energy sector of Finland. Master’s Thesis. Aalto University. Available:

Rissanen A. 2019. Potential of renewable energies for the Finnish agriculture. Diplomityö. Aalto-yliopisto.

Sallinen T. 2017. Aurinkosähköinvertterin mitoituksen teknistaloudellinen optimointi Etelä-Savon aurinkosäteilyolosuhteissa. Diplomityö. LUT-yliopisto.

Sillman J. 2016. Sustainability of protein production by bioreactor processes using wind and solar power as energy sources. Diplomityö. LUT-yliopisto.

Söyrinki S. 2019. Kysyntäjoustokokeilusta näkemystä sähköjärjestelmän murrokseen. Pro gradu. Helsingin yliopisto.

Vanhala, M. 2017. Alueellisen ympäristöliiketoiminnan seuranta tilastotietoja hyödyntämällä. Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto. Diplomityö. Saatavissa: