The Smart Energy Transition project (SET) examined the global energy transition and its impact on Finland. The starting point for the SET project was that the ongoing global energy transition will inevitably affect Finland, as the fight against climate change will require fundamental changes in the energy system. These changes emerge both in new ways of producing and consuming energy, as well as new business models, export opportunities, and ways of living and moving.

When the project began in 2015 energy transition was a phenomenon that was not recognised by many, but in 2021 it is an inescapable part of the energy field. The SET project, alongside many others, has affected change in the energy field by studying transition technologies, learning from experiments, and joint development, and by analysing political action, institutions, and business models. In this time the amount of renewable energy has increased in the energy system, and smart and clean energy business activities are growing. Technologies for achieving a carbon neutral energy system already exist, and next we will need more purposeful decisions to promote the transition.
A total of 10 different partner organisations and more than 40 researchers and experts from different sectors of the energy transition took part in the project. In the early years, Professor Raimo Lovio served as the Consortium Leader, and later on the project was headed by Professor of Practice Armi Temmes. Both Lovio and Temmes worked at the Department of Management Studies at the School of Business. Funding for the multidisciplinary project came from the Strategic Research Council (SRC), which operates in connection with the Academy of Finland.